Here's an interesting paradox - after power failures yesterday, my telephone somehow forgot a lot of settings and switched back to pulse dialing. After trawling through the handbook in detail and numerous searches online for a setting, I was reduced to phoning the BT helpline. I was then greeted with the message "Press 1 for technical questions...". How can I make a menu selection with a phone set to pulse rather than tone dialing? Argh! Cue expensive call via mobile phone. Have to say though, the guy on the helpline was quick and helpful in dispensing the undocumented setting. Sick today. Went to work early hoping I'd shake of the fuzzy head, but no luck. Did essential stuff and then went home. Slept a lot, ate too much, worked a little on pkgview. Some fascinating books arrived - I bought a set of late 19th century volumes to obtain a copy of Gissing's "Human Odds and Ends" - amongst the others was a novel which turned out to be by Canadian writed James De Mille. The search for more details continues.
Woke up feeling optimistic, but a little crappy. Wondered what to do about an upcoming dilemma this weekend. Noted jdub's call for GNOME Power Tools candidate applications. Mailed details of pkgview. The idea went down well. Exciting stuff. Even sneaked home to do some rapid bugfixing during lunch. Personal best of 31 correct answers on University Challenge - mainly due to sheer luck. Sleepy. Enjoying the Ackroyd book, but occasionally frustrated by it. Feel a London trip coming on soon. So many new nooks and crannies to find.
The funny little pkgview
application makes it into the download section. It works, it's much quicker than when I first wrote it, and I now understand GtkTree*
stuff much better. There is a picture of it in action here.
Long, tiring week - much of it without sleep. Lots of visiting and preparation for friend's return from hospital. Used birthday book token to get Peter Ackroyd's "London - The Biography" despite some of my reservations - proves to be compelling. This is also the first 'normal' weekend for a while, which gives me a chance to potter around the place sorting things out and doing chores. Sat down and puzzled over GTK+-2.0 tree widgets for ages, which results in a clunky and slow front-end to pkg-config
I've had a home on the web for more years than I care to remember, and a few kind souls persuade me it's worth persisting with keeping it updated. This current incarnation of the site is centred around the blog posts which began back in 1999 as 'the daylog' and continued through my travels and tribulations during the following years.
I don't get out and about nearly as much these days, but I do try to record significant events and trips for posterity. You may also have arrived here by following the trail to my former music blog Songs Heard On Fast Trains. That content is preserved here too.