Posted in Updates on Sunday 24th March 2002 at 12:00am

I've been almost inconsolably miserable since the leaving party, for a number of reasons. Today was a chance to begin to sort things out a bit. Got finances into some sort of order, planned how to navigate the next rather tricky working week, and generally tried hard to console myself that a new start was a really good idea, chance to ditch baggage etc. Also took a great deal of comfort from some of the more constant aspects of life here. Strange times indeed.


Posted in Updates on Friday 22nd March 2002 at 12:00am

Despite being a week prior to the due date, today was my leaving meal. I was frankly pretty terrified - I just don't usually put myself in these sort of situations, and I'm only usually happy with being the centre of attention when I'm on terms which permit maximum pomposity. A pep-talk, and a walk to the venue later and I was fine. It all went very well I understand. I really can't remember a great deal beyond the first couple of hours, which is possibly a good thing. Aware that I work with a fine bunch of people (in the main), and that I will miss some of them a great deal.


Posted in Updates on Wednesday 20th March 2002 at 12:00am

Saw Iris at a the community run Curzon Cinema in Clevedon. I've heard lots about the Curzon, but had never been there. Its very old, but atmospheric - apparently there is much of the old place (including balconies and oak-panelled tearooms) hidden and awaiting restoration. It was absurdly cheap, comfortable and generally a really pleasant night. Spent much of the past few days at work furiously entering data into a Home Care scheduling system, which despite it lacking the ability to schedule, goes live tomorrow. Visited my new office today - which was sort of odd, but made me feel much less apprehensive about a new job. It's all pretty exciting in fact. A few visitors who I've known for ages pass by the office, and wish me luck too - which is always nice. Bunged a few CVS snapshots of GNOME2 bits and bobs on the downloads page.


Posted in Updates on Sunday 17th March 2002 at 12:00am

A week of eating GNOME2 dogfood has gone relatively well. Its been a quiet and somewhat dull weekend. Read and listened to the radio a lot, and ate and drank far too much food. Paid a visit to a friend I visit far too little, and heard tales of bygone days which were fascinating. Hacked pointlessly on the little script which analyses bandwidth usage on this site. It now has features beyond its needs. Brief visit to Burnham. The week of my leaving party approaches - oddly unconcerned.



I've had a home on the web for more years than I care to remember, and a few kind souls persuade me it's worth persisting with keeping it updated. This current incarnation of the site is centred around the blog posts which began back in 1999 as 'the daylog' and continued through my travels and tribulations during the following years.

I don't get out and about nearly as much these days, but I do try to record significant events and trips for posterity. You may also have arrived here by following the trail to my former music blog Songs Heard On Fast Trains. That content is preserved here too.

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