Posted in Updates on Saturday 25th May 2002 at 12:00am

Strange forces at work - managed to paint myself into a corner defending GNOME 2.0 on IRC. Still feel myself justified - there is much bandwagon-jumping and Slashdot-style groundless complaining going on. Since I've used it daily, and watched bugs get squashed by the bucketload, I suppose I've become protective. Otherwise, pleased to see the weekend arriving but very much unclear what to do with it. Completely out of cash, so enviously browsed bookshop shelves. Brief but inspiring phonecall earlier.


Posted in Updates on Thursday 23rd May 2002 at 12:00am

Much celebration last evening - which was a lot of fun. Way too much to drink, and some very odd words in the Scrabble game. Sleepy all day due to excesses. Managed to struggle through work and had a reasonably relaxing time once I got home. Huge financial pressure descends again. So routine its barely even a major worry anymore. Message from The Count indicates he has removed to a cottage near the coast - a fine idea I think. Feeling a lot more secure today, which is always a good thing. For a welcome change, my life is relatively normal and peaceful compared to others.


Posted in Updates on Tuesday 21st May 2002 at 12:00am

I have suddenly discovered that the weird pronunciation marks in dictionaries now make perfect sense to me - they even help me to say things correctly. Is this how far I've sunk?


Posted in Updates on Monday 20th May 2002 at 12:00am

Another day, best characterised by the wonderfully appropriate term wyrd. Odd, vaguely productive morning - getting loose ends sorted amid a slew of incredibly stupid phonecalls, all surely designed to test my patience and reason. Extremely concerned that for someone scarce years younger than me, Dr.Who means Peter Davidson and not Tom Baker. So this is how it feels to be old? An incredibly frustrating exchange of SMS messages around lunchtime leaves me incredulous. More bizarre calls and I'm so jumpy by the time I get to Bristol this evening that I make all kinds of inappropriate bus decisions! However, most importantly - the achievements of my cohorts amaze and astound. You knew they had it in 'em all along, but that doesn't blunt the thrill of seeing someone succeed with style and grace. Of course, in the world of the perfectionist, its never quite the ticket - and in my efforts to prove this I put my foot firmly in it - but what would a landmark day be without at least one fatal MikeGTN faux pas? A bit dismayed by myself today - but so, so proud of my friends.



I've had a home on the web for more years than I care to remember, and a few kind souls persuade me it's worth persisting with keeping it updated. This current incarnation of the site is centred around the blog posts which began back in 1999 as 'the daylog' and continued through my travels and tribulations during the following years.

I don't get out and about nearly as much these days, but I do try to record significant events and trips for posterity. You may also have arrived here by following the trail to my former music blog Songs Heard On Fast Trains. That content is preserved here too.

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