Posted in Updates on Sunday 2nd April 2000 at 12:00am

Celebrated getting the assignment sorted and ready to post by putting some of last years work online. Due to my procrastination another deadline approaches fast - back to it I suppose.


Posted in Updates on Saturday 1st April 2000 at 12:00am

Trying not to tempt fate, but to all intents and purposes the assignment is DONE! Not possible without a lot of help from someone who I'm sure wouldn't like to appear in this self-indulgent journal. Also got some sense out of MySQL today!



I've had a home on the web for more years than I care to remember, and a few kind souls persuade me it's worth persisting with keeping it updated. This current incarnation of the site is centred around the blog posts which began back in 1999 as 'the daylog' and continued through my travels and tribulations during the following years.

I don't get out and about nearly as much these days, but I do try to record significant events and trips for posterity. You may also have arrived here by following the trail to my former music blog Songs Heard On Fast Trains. That content is preserved here too.

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