Posted in Railways on Saturday 7th February 2004 at 10:13pm

In desperately looking for something to do today, I discovered last night that a Cheap Day Return to Bicester Town was available for the very reasonable sum of GBP 16.00. So, this morning I set out on the 0915 as far as Didcot Parkway.

It was a really lovely morning, if a little chilly. Wandered around at Didcot, getting a few pictures of locomotives stabled there. Quite a bit of action on the avoiding lines too. A brief wander at Bicester, then back to Didcot via Oxford. Bought a ticket for Windsor & Eton Central, and travelled with a coachload of rather 'upper crust' young ladies ordering sushi for their arrival in London! Having not visited Windsor for over twenty years, I was pretty stunned when my walk from one station to another took me down the very same curved hill beside the castle which I remember so vividly from my last visit!

Noticed at Riverside Station that everything for Waterloo was terminating at Clapham Junction. Grabbed a return to Waterloo and set off on more new track. Arriving at Clapham, found a pretty chaotic situation - only Wimbledon Line services were going through to Waterloo because of engineering works. Made the trip to Waterloo and back since I had a ticket, but it really just held me up and confused me! Hopped onto a Hounslow Loop service at Clapham and got a few more precious miles of new track.

Changed at Staines, dashed over the footbridge and got a single to Reading, which got me back on track for home. A much longer and more convoluted route than I'd ever planned, but throroughly enjoyable. Just goes to show I can't be trusted to stick to my travel arrangements or my budget!

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I've had a home on the web for more years than I care to remember, and a few kind souls persuade me it's worth persisting with keeping it updated. This current incarnation of the site is centred around the blog posts which began back in 1999 as 'the daylog' and continued through my travels and tribulations during the following years.

I don't get out and about nearly as much these days, but I do try to record significant events and trips for posterity. You may also have arrived here by following the trail to my former music blog Songs Heard On Fast Trains. That content is preserved here too.

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