The Rust of Obscurity: An unexpected memory walk

Posted in London on 1st December 2018

After the relative return to normal service last month, things didn't look so good for today's excursion. The weather, doubtful all week, had closed in over the last day or so, leaving a high chance of heavy rain. I'd finally found time to plan some potential routes, but all of...

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Tom Bolton - Low Country: Brexit on the Essex Coast

Posted in Reading on 4th November 2018

I first encountered Tom Bolton's writing through two small but rather wonderful books, both about aspects of London which fascinated me. The first of these surveyed the familiar territory of the 'lost rivers' - a subject which I've happily wittered about for years to anyone who'd willingly listen, and to...

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Eastern Avenue: Protest and Progress

Posted in London on 3rd November 2018

I was still smarting a little from last month's abortive walk, but things had started tolerably well. Despite some engineering works which saw me arriving in London around half-an-hour later than usual, the journey had been relaxing and I'd read and dozed my way east. This was the first walk...

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