Gillian Darley - Excellent Essex

Posted in Reading on 22nd September 2019

Imagine being known only by your least appealing attributes... For most of us that's not a big speculative leap: there's a decidedly British ability to fall back on self-deprecation and we're all aware of those aspects of our character we regard as the least prepossessing. Often, of course, we're entirely...

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Bob Gilbert - Ghost Trees

Posted in Reading on 18th August 2019

It's fair to say that I've never coped well with nature. As a child of a New Town, my forays into nature weren't manifold. A tentative attempt to help my grandad in his steeply sloped Worcestershire garden usually ended up with him frustrated and me distraught, and school trips to...

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The River Crane: The End-State of History

Posted in London on 3rd August 2019

Returning to the scene is never wise, but if I was to fulfil my debt to the River Crane, it had to happen. Over a hectic summer with numerous missteps and changed plans, I'd always found somewhere else I needed to be. There was a strange hiatus too: a reaction...

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