The River Cray: A Perambulation of Kent

Posted in London on 11th March 2018

As my train lumbered across the junction and into the terminus platforms at Orpington station, I pondered the journey here. I should have been here a week ago, a long-planned and much anticipated weekend trip which combined a range of events and - for me at least - culminated in...

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John Cale (2018-1964): A Futurespective, The Barbican

Posted in SHOFT on 10th March 2018

It was good to be back at The Barbican. A complicated attempt to order at the cramped, circular cocktail bar aside, I was amazed at the functional brilliance of the building. As people zig-zagged around its corridors and levels to seek the correct entrance to the auditorium for tonight's performance,...

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Out of the Voracious Sump: Walking back from Essex

Posted in London on 3rd February 2018

A steady rain was falling on the shining pavements of Upminster. Not heavy enough to make me pause in my plans for the day, but equally showing no sign of relenting any time soon. The trip out here from the city had been convoluted, but had passed surprisingly quickly and...

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